This year has been an amazing year for us! We bought our first home, Joey graduated Law school, he took and passed the bar and has a great job, we found out we are pregnant, and just recently found out IT'S A GIRL!! We are so excited to finally get a little sweetheart, on my side of the family between me and my two sisters we have five grand boys!! So this will be the first girl we are super excited!! Cant wait till she gets here!! I'm due June 30th!! and her name will be Iris Maxine Mott--Iris is after my grandmother who I absolutely adore and look up too and I am most look like in my family, and Maxine is after Joeys grandmother who was an amazing kind, patient woman! We are blessed to have such wonderful women in our lives that we can name our little girl after!!! Jackson is so excited too to have a baby sister, when we told him we were pregnant he said from the get go it was a girl, and he was right!! Ever since we found out for sure that it is a girl it has made it more real for him too. He comes up to me and hugs me and then puts his head on my belly, he talks to her, and he bought her a little knitted doll and he brings it over and places it on my belly all the time, it is so cute! At night he says goodnight to her and at school draws family pictures with Iris being the smallest stick figure, haha!! For show and tell he took the ultrasound picture to show his teachers and friends, he is so proud of her, he is going to be such a good big brother!

This was out Christmas card and announcing we are expecting!!

13 weeks prego

My sister-in-law Emily is pregnant also and is having a boy--Mauer in March!! The kiddos are going to be close, so fun!

16 weeks pregnant!!

I have been already been searching for bows, outfits, picture ideas and all things girlie for little miss Iris Maxine and I found this picture that I so have to do when she gets here, love it!!