Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 26th Birthday Lovey.

Yesterday was Joeys 26th birthday--man we are getting old. But I love growing old with you lovey!! Hope you had a shiz-amable day, I love you so much and I am so grateful to have you in my life. love you to the moon and back.


joellen said...

Happy Birthday Joey!

The Johnson Five said...

Happy Birthday Old Old Man! Ha..ha..!! I feel like it was yesterday that we were frolicking around in the 19th century honda accord..ahhh..the memories! Love your guts! : )

Heather said...

Yo yo yoiggady yo. DANG!..your soooo old!

Happy Birthday & next time I see that Bleeker kid I'm going to punch him in the wiener.

Brad and Leslie said...

Wow - I feel sooooo old....